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Our last update but one week at primary school!

We have had several lessons this week covering RSHP (Relationships, Sexual Health & Parenthood) and the children have been respectful, listened well and engaged in discussions about the topics covered. If they have not discussed these with you yet, please ask them about their learning.

Thank you to one of our P7 parents, Nick Grew, who came into class on Monday from HSBC to speak with the whole P7 cohort about keeping themselves safe from financial scams. It was so informative and very relevant as our children may be starting to use more digital payment cards as they continue their education at high school. I learned a lot myself including what Phishing, Smishing and Vishing is. When looking at my own email, I was so surprised to find out just how many scam emails I have had. Such an important piece of learning, please ask you child about what they learned.

Show rehearsals have been continuing and everything is coming together nicely. We have been working hard over the last several weeks to bring you a fabulous performance and we hope you are able to make the show on Tuesday.

Tonight’s P7 Prom was very much on the mind of everyone today and their excitement was clear to see. I hope that everyone going tonight has a fabulous evening and enjoys their limo experience. I’m looking forward to hearing all about it on Monday.

Next week we have a very busy last week ahead of us. Our dress rehearsal performance to the other children and staff in the school will be on Monday afternoon. Our performance to you will be on Tuesday evening with doors opening at 6.00pm for a 6.15pm start. We also have a Winning House Treat, a Buddy Party with our P1 buddies, some inflatable fun, and a Leaver’s Assembly all to squeeze into our final week! What a week to finish with!

Congratulations to Izzy and Charlotte who are this week’s Social Target winners.

The weekend is upon us once more and I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and that this lovely spell of weather continues.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Mr. Morgan