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What a milestone of a week the class have just had!

The upcoming end to primary school and the move to high school became more of a reality this week as the class enjoyed a three-day transitional event at Dunfermline High School.

On Monday, they were just so excited for the week ahead and the chatter this morning was just amazing as they shared news of their time at high school. On Tuesday they enjoyed the glorious sunshine and spent a health and wellbeing day outside taking part in lots of sports related activities. The remainder of their time at DHS gave them experience of many of the other subjects on their timetable and the feedback from the pupils is that they have had a super time and can’t wait to get back there in August!

I was also at DHS on Thursday meeting with some of the teaching staff and was so pleased to receive some excellent feedback on just how attentive and hard-working all of our Canmore P7’s were. What a great cohort we have!

As we only have two weeks left of term, we are now focusing on showcasing our learning and drama skills. On Tuesday the class will present their Career Showcase to some of the younger pupils and therefore, if they have been working on them at home, they only have a few days left to complete their boards and return their work to school. Please support them with this if you can.

Children have also been asked to learn their lines for our show and be script free for next week’s rehearsals. Also, please support them sourcing costumes for the show if they are required for their part. If your child does not need a costume, but you have sheets, covers, tea-towels or pillow cases etc. that you no longer need, please send them in with your child – all help is greatly appreciated.

Of course, next week will also bring the P7 Prom event on Friday after school. What a week to look forward to!

Congratulations to Aaron Bayne who is this week’s social target winner.

I hope that this lovely weather extends into the weekend and that you all have some relaxing family time together.

Mr. Morgan.