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What a very quick week it has been!

The highlight of this week was without doubt our Sports Day on Thursday. The weather was kind to us and the children had lots of fun participating in all the activities. Thank you to the pupils and staff from DHS who came along to help support the day and a big thank you too to all the parents who were able to attend who cheered-on and encouraged everyone from the side-lines.

On Thursday the children got to know their classes for their visit to DHS next week on the 13th, 14th and 15th of June. They were excited to find out what guidance and practical classes they were in and who else would be in their class from Canmore.

Information was shared with them about the arrangements for next week’s three-day visit. If you have not already seen your emails regarding this, please have a look at them as information has been shared regarding start & finish times, timetables uniforms, bus travel arrangements and what to do regarding iPayimpact and lunch choices. This is such an exciting time for them!

Our show rehearsals are continuing well and this week we were able to put the stage up and start to fine-tune our acting to suit the smaller performance area. Pupils have been reminded about trying to source costumes for their parts. The children have also been asked to ensure they are as script free as possible, by as soon as possible. Please can you assist them with both of these tasks at home. Next week will be a busy week for them so your support in helping and encouraging them to utilise their time to their advantage would be greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to Freddie Lowe who is this week’s Social Target winner.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and some quality family time together over the weekend ahead of the exciting week coming up for our P7 cohort.

Mr. Morgan & Primary 7B.