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Welcome back everyone to our last term of the school year, and what a full and exciting term it will be. Our calendar is already filling up nicely and there is hardly a week which does not have some sort of event planned for it. Lots to look forward to!

The first of those events is our visit next week to Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre at Lochgoilhead in Argyll. Our first week back has been full of preparation for next week and learning about the Scottish and American environmentalist, and founding father of the National Park movement, John Muir. While we are at Ardroy we will learn more about how to Discover, Explore, Conserve and Share knowledge on wild places, helping to protect the environment and how to enjoy the great outdoors. All of this learning is part of their John Muir Award programme. More work on this award will be undertaken upon our return and throughout term four. Please ask your child about their new learning so far. Some pupils will remain in school during next week and we look forward to catching up with all their news upon our return. 

This week in RME we have been learning about the Islamic festival of Eid and how this is celebrated around the world. In numeracy we have also refreshed our learning on algebra and in Digital Literacy we have been using our research skills to investigate the life of John Muir. Learning the songs for our show has restarted and towards the end of the week more parts have been allocated for acting parts. The standard of acting was fantastic and I was blown away by the enthusiasm some brought to their auditions.

Congratulations to Daniel who is this week’s Social Target winner.

I hope that everyone gets lots of rest this weekend ahead of our exciting residential week away and I look forward to seeing you on Monday. We ask that pupils arrive at 8.45am for a planned departure at 9.00am. Please check back through your recent emails for information regarding clothing recommendations, medications, etc. if you are unsure. The weather forecast is for it to be cooler than this week with some showers expected midweek, so lots of light interchangeable layers and socks etc are ideal - please label everything!

Mr. Morgan.