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We have fantastic news to share of a further success by Canmore pupils. On Thursday a team of six pupils from our P7 cohort successfully returned from a visit to the Science Centre in Dundee as winners of this years SCDI Stem Challenge. What a fantastic result! Congratulations to Josh, Astra and Ishbel from P7A, and Rachel, Callum, and Euan from P7B. Thank you so much to Mrs Watt and Ruth Smithson for their ongoing support and dedication to making this such a success.

On Monday afternoon the cohort had a lovely surprise as Alisdair and Hannah from Aerospace Kinross came into class to award the trophy for winning this year’s Air Race Challenge. They met with the cohort and were very impressed to hear first-hand all about their learning during the challenge. Arrangements are underway to organise the prize which will be a day visit to Glenrothes Airport to see close-up a range of aircraft and to meet with a number of pilots and support staff. It is anticipated that this will take place in the middle of May. In addition to this, arrangements are also being made to connect up with the Challenger Centre in Maine, USA for an online escape room challenge. We were so excited to hear all about our prizes and very grateful too for the bags of goodies that each pupil received courtesy of the team from Aerospace Kinross.

In numeracy, we are starting a block of learning on algebra by looking at how to calculate input or outputs from simple algebraic formula. The class have taken to this well and we will continue working on this next week.

In music, we have started practicing the songs for our show. The children have now heard all of the songs and have admitted just how catchy they are. We will upload the lyrics and links to the songs onto Seesaw in the near future.

In literacy, we are nearing the end of our class novel ‘Goodnight Mr Tom.’ We are on Chapter 20 if you wish to read along at home. We are hoping to finish off the book next week and then complete our comparison of the book to the film.
In addition to this film, we are also hoping to watch another WWII movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. This has a 12 rating and we would ask that if you have any objections to your child watching this film that you contact the school by email or through Seesaw so that alternative arrangements can be made for your child when we are watching the film. On Thursday we studied America’s entry into WWII following the attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbour.

Also on Thursday in RME, we looked at what the month of Ramadan means for the Islamic faith and particularly what fasting means. We have a few artefacts in school and the children were able to study these too. Please ask them about their learning.

Congratulations to our Social Target winner this week Euan Stephen. What a great week for him!

Next week is our last week of term and it is also a short week, before we break off for the Easter holidays on Thursday afternoon. I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and I will catch-up with you next week before the break. Have a super weekend everyone!

Mr. Morgan.