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Although it was a shorter week than normal, it was still a week full of learning and fun! We welcomed a student teacher into class; Miss Wiggins has settled in well and will be with us for five weeks.

We started the week off by looking at Rationing in WWII. The children were learning about the food supply chain during the war and how it was disrupted. The importance of sharing food fairly and the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign was brought to life in the classroom with the arrival of a pop-up greengrocer’s shop. Following a failed ‘buy-all-you-want’ type sales strategy where some customers were left with no food available to buy, a fairer ‘rationing’ strategy was adopted. Each of the children were then able to bring home their rations of potatoes and carrots to make into a meal. I hope they were able to make and enjoy something tasty. Towards the end of the week we’ve looked at the Blitz and have started to make some wonderful artwork to accompany this learning. Keep and eye out on Seesaw for their work as they finish.

And on the theme of cooking, a huge thank you to ‘Jaffa’ and the Royal Navy team who came into school earlier today to carry out a cooking demonstration. Everyone was so enthusiastic, and the food was just delicious! They made it all look so easy and the life-skills on display were clear to see.

This week we have recommenced our learning of Scottish Country dancing ahead of the Dance Festival at Dunfermline High School which will take place at the end of the January. We have been learning the Gay Gordon’s and next week we will be learning the Dashing White Sargent. Everyone has done so well.

In numeracy, we are starting to recap our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages. We will continue to work on fractions more next week.

Spelling homework has been issued and this is due back by Tuesday. Also for homework, the children have been requested to choose and learn a Robert Burns poem. A Seesaw activity has been created to support this and each child should already be working towards their recital. Please support your child with this by giving them support with learning their lines and an audience to recite too. Good luck everyone. The new termly homework grid will be posted on Seesaw in the near future, however, as we are focussing on our Burn’s recitals this week, the first homework from this grid will not be due until the week after next.

Congratulations to Chloe Kennedy who is this week’s social target winner. I hope that you all have a relaxing and restful weekend and I will catch-up with you all again next Friday.

Mr. Morgan.