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Our final Friday catchup of 2022!

Can you believe that we are at the end of Term 2 already?  Our year has just whizzed by.

The highlight of the week was not just an event, but a day. Thursday morning, started with the P7 cohort end-of-term party. The morning was filled with lots of laughter, smiles and happy children as they danced and played games to party the morning away. The afternoon was also filled with laughter as both classes came together to watch the online panto – Jack and the Beanstalk, filled with lots of lots of overacting and corny jokes!

Our week has not just been about fun activities. The children have spent some time thinking about what peace actually means. The Carnegie Rotary Club of Dunfermline are hosting a writing challenge with the theme – What does Peace mean to you? The class were asked to consider their answer to this question and they produced some wonderful replies. These will now be submitted to the Rotary Club competition. The time we took in class to gather our thoughts was a welcome relaxing moment in an otherwise hectic week and I whole-heartedly recommend to you to have a go at doing this at home too. Think deeply about it - what is peace to you?

Congratulations to Lydia Bury who was this week’s social target winner. Also, a big well done to Abbie Clark who has taken up the role of our Rights Respecting School class representative. The first few meetings took place this week and we are looking forward to focusing more on ensuring we are a RRS school when we return next year.

A quick reminder that school finishes next week on Wednesday at 3.00pm. I hope, amidst all of your last-minute preparations, that you all have the chance to have a relaxing weekend. I will catch-up with you again for the very final time of 2022 this time on Wednesday.

Take care.
Mr. Morgan.