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Well here we are at the last day of term and what a quick term it has been. It feels like only a few days ago that we first started our P7 journey.

This week we had a special visitor.  Janet Lowe from the Carnegie Rotary Club shared her experience working with the Rotary Club to raise awareness about Polio.  Pupils learned lots of new facts and are looking forward to returning in Term 2 and getting involved with the district competitions in writing, photography, art and animation.

In our Maths, we explored division and looked at strategies including subtraction, addition, rounding and estimation.

Our writing work has been exceptional and over the term the handwriting and presentation of work has been a focus. So many pupils now writing with joined script - well done everyone.

We ended the week with a China themed day to celebrate all of our learning in the wonderful topic. The children have worked so hard on it this term and deserved some fun to finish the term off. We will finish our topic off just after we return from the October break.

I hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing October break and that you all enjoy some well-deserved family time. I look forward to catching up with you all again in a few weeks time, fully recharged and raring to go with another jam-packed term full of learning.

Happy holidays everyone!

Mr. Morgan.