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It may have been a short week but it’s been one full of exciting and interesting learning opportunities.

The highlight of the week has been the visit on Thursday of Royal Navy personnel who led a STEM workshop. They brought along what can only be described as an over-sized Meccano set and challenged the children to solve a range of design problems. Working in groups, the children worked on their listening, communication, and team-working skills. The final challenge turned into a race with the wheelbarrow type device they constructed and I must say that this challenge really brought out their competitiveness!  They all had great fun learning. We are looking forward to a return visit from the Royal Navy, hopefully in the near future.

In Numeracy this week, we have looked at different strategies for multiplication of two digits by two digits and two digits by a single digit.

In our Project work this week, we have looked more closely at the Great Wall of China by asking ourselves a range of simple questions – who, what, why, where and when? The answers were not so easy to give but it prompted a super range of discussion points. Please ask your child about their learning. I’m sure you will be amazed at some of the facts they now know.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Barnardo’s who visit Primary schools to help raise awareness of how legal and illegal substance/drug misuse can affect the body. The presenter was so pleased by the range of questions being asked that he even extended and changed his planned input to help answer the many questions being asked. Thank you to Barnardo’s for a very informative session.

Earlier today we met with our P1 buddies and shared some time together walking around the playground. As part of Jeans for Genes Day, the aim was to do as many steps as possible towards a target of 6000 steps. The target of 6000 steps comes from the 6000 or so currently identified genetic disorders. Everyone did so well.

On Wednesday afternoon next week we will be learning about China’s Terracotta warriors and we are hoping to make our own mini versions of them using clay. As this can be a little messy, can I ask that your child brings an old, oversized t-shirt or shirt that they can wear to protect their clothes.

Congratulations to John-Williams who is this week’s Social Target winner.

I would like to end by saying how wonderful it was to finally meet face-to-face with many parents at the first of our Parent Contact sessions and I look forward to meeting with even more of you next week too.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and I will catch-up with you again next week or perhaps even later this afternoon at our final big event of the week - the Summer Fete. See you there!

Have a great weekend everyone.
Mr. Morgan.