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Welcome to our weekly update of news from P7B. It has been another busy week in school and this week in project, we have been focusing on animals and their habitats in China. The pupils have continued updating their waterfall display booklets to ensure they are full of facts. In Numeracy, we have continued to work on calculating either Distance, Speed or Time using a formula. Word based problems can often be challenging but the class have risen to that challenge and worked hard and with accuracy. In Literacy, we have looked at our new spelling words and written short stories with a China theme. We hope to share these with our P1 buddies and a younger audience at some point soon. P7's have begun their hockey training in gym with a certified coach Dougie Hill from the Carnegie Club. Lots of smiles, sweat and serious play and we look forward to the remainder of the term developing our hockey skills. We are also delighted to announce that Kara Lees the current women’s singles under 25 Scottish carpet bowls champion will be coming along to Canmore PS to give some tips to the children (and myself and Mrs Watt). Kara will be with us Tuesday afternoons to help inspire our pupils in the sport. I hope those who were able to come into school today had the chance to look around the walls and enjoy some of the pupils’ work that is on display. Congratulations to Jacob Wnuk who is this week’s Social Target winner who greatly impressed myself and Mrs Watt with some of his respectful and helpful actions this week in our week of focusing on Respect. I hope that you all have a relaxing and restful weekend. Mr. Morgan.