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Good afternoon everyone. The term is just whizzing by and here we are at the end of our third week already! The class are continuing to settle well into their new P7 role.

Our week started off with a focus on the school values Responsibility, Resilience and Respect. In P7 your child has the opportunity to apply for Junior Leadership roles such as Head/Deputy Boy/Girl, House Captains and Vice Captains and House Ambassadors. All successful applications will proceed to an interview stage over the next few weeks. Please support your child with the Head Boy & Girl application form they have home with them. This has also been uploaded to SEESAW if they require another copy.

To support applications for Junior Leadership roles we used our lessons to prepare a poster reflecting positive choices and being responsible. We discussed qualities and characteristics and the class learned how to sell themselves on an application form and in an interview. This will hopefully help them in their Junior Leadership applications and make the experience enjoyable and more stress free!

In addition to these JLT position applications, throughout this term pupils will also get opportunities to apply to join Eco, Pupil Council, and Junior Sport Leader committees. On Monday, we will be voting for an additional class Eco Rep. In preparation for this, the class have all discussed what it means to be Eco aware and why this is good for the planet. The class have been asked to prepare a short 1-minute presentation about what this means for them personally, and for those wishing to be considered for the Eco-rep position this presentation should also include their pitch as to why the class should vote for them. Please support your child with this at home. Good luck everyone.

In numeracy, our number work has looked at improving their understanding of time and pupils were given a homework task through Sumdog to refresh and reinforce their learning. 

In gym, we have continued to develop our skills at bowling and in team games.

Our STEM lessons this week looked at how to design buildings that would be more resilient and resistant to flooding. This lesson has been made more relevant due to the recent events in Pakistan which we looked at earlier in the week when watching our daily online news catch-up on BBC’s Newsround. Lots of great discussions and problem-solving went on today.

On Wednesday, the class were very respectful as they watched the fly-by of three Tornado jets who were over-flying Dunfermline Abbey as part of a memorial service. Well done everyone.

Congratulations to Daniel Grablewski, who is this week’s Social Target winner. Daniel was truly leading by example this week in his use of kind, and supportive language. Thank you Daniel, you really made my week.

I will catch up with you all again next week on the app or in-person before our PTA Fayre on Friday when you are welcome to come into class at 2.30pm. 

In the meantime, I hope that you all have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend with lots of opportunities for some family time together.

Mr. Morgan.