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Our first full week has come to an end and the P7 classes have settled very well back into their learning routines. Both classes have worked very well together on a number of collaborative activities and are enjoying new team-working experiences and opportunities.

Our Social Studies topic this term is China and the class has learned about good luck superstitions and how to write their names. We have also used Chinese dragons in our written work to improve our use of descriptive phrases. This is such a rich topic and I hope that they are sharing their learning with you at home, if not, please ask them all about it.

On Wednesday, we played some Carpet Bowls. Almost the whole cohort found it quite challenging at first and now have a new appreciation of the level of skill and finesse required to play the game. However, there were also a few shining stars in our midst who seem to have a secret bowling talent! We will return to this next week and begin to introduce more of a competitive element too.

On Thursday, we started to learn a little French. We have started with learning how to say hello and ask what someone’s name is. More French next week!

For our Digital Literacy this week we set-up and checked our Seesaw, Glow and Outlook E-mail access. A few test emails were sent. This P7 cohort already look to be a very knowledgeable group of IT savvy children. Well done everyone for your resilience in getting prepared for your future use of digital communication tools.

Well done to Charlotte, Emily and Lydia who represented the class as part of the Against Speeding Campaign. They joined Police Scotland officers on Aberdour Road earlier in the week to highlight to passing motorists that they should slow down around a school. Super work girls – such an important message.

Our STEM learning this week was a challenge to design and build a paper-based ‘plane’ or object that can fly. Lots of great technical discussions, experimentation and fun was very evident. Some pupils asked to take their prototypes home over the weekend to improve and test. Please support your child with their designs and return them to school on Monday -  as we will select ONE from each class on Monday and submit their entries to an Air Race Challenge  Good Luck!

Homework will start again next week. It will be issued in the Activities section on Seesaw each Wednesday for submission via Seesaw by the following Wednesday. A homework grid format has been adopted from which one activity is to be chosen each week. (there are more choices than weeks in the term to provide lots of choice to our pupils)

An additional, separate, numeracy activity will also be issued on Seesaw. Please remind your child to check their Seesaw Activities each Wednesday and oversee their submissions.

As new activities are issued any outstanding ones will remain available to pupils until they do them so please dont worry if you have a busy week as you can complete the activities at a later time. Canmore PS encourages extra-curricular activities attendance, values family time and wants to support our pupils in a flexible and helpful way.  I hope this all sounds reasonable! 

Finally, congratulations to our Social Target winner Brooke Ritchie for her positive attitude in class and for helping others.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and enjoy some well-deserved family time together.
Mr. Morgan.