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P7a Have been busy photographers snapping up photos for the Dunfermline Rotary Club Young Photographer & Young Writer competition. The very talented pupils have been out and around the school grounds taking photos that reflect their interpretation of "the beauty of nature." Entry permission forms should now be back with us however if you still have yours at home please bring them in as soon as possible.

We have been learning about Proverbs and figures of speech in our grammar lesson today and all the pupils were given a Chinese styled fortune cookie (from Tesco) to read and share with you at home.  Some of the fortunes were surprisingly accurate! A very fun way to learn.

In our Numeracy we are looking at decimals on number lines and these have been very challenging.  Our focus continues on the 7 x table supporting our wider aim to improve speed and accuracy of recall of all our tables for this term.

Our WW2 topic continues and we have been investigating rationing and will move onto Evacuation this week.

Thursday morning we are all walking to DHS for a morning transition session and we are still looking for parent helpers - please let me know if you can come along.

Studyladder access - many pupils are having complications with access to this - to update everyone Mrs Cooper is in the middle of transferring everyones accounts to me and I will reissue and check all pupils accounts are working by Friday (our ICT time).

Thank you for a very warm welcome to Canmore Primary School - P7a are an amazing class.   Kind Regards, Mrs Watt