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P7A have learning about the Blitz. Pupils have explored the technique of visualisation and used this in their reading and writing to create texts which they have shared on SEESAW.

Please look at your child's work and leave them a comment on their work - specifically their poster boards on WW2 - I'm sure you will be impressed and agree they are presenting their learning in a clear way using the technology of SEESAW.

In maths most of us have been exploring fractions of shapes some even explored fractions linked to Arcs, and sectors of circles - well done everyone.

In our gym lessons we have been improving our dance steps to the Dashing White Sergeant. A reminder the Scottish Dance Festival is held at Dunfermline High School next week and we require parent volunteers to walk with us to and from the event. Please contact the school office if you can help.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Watt & P7A