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I was immensely proud of our P7 cohort as they held their minute silence showing their respect for the past and their hopes for the future.The children have all deepened their understanding of The Scottish Poppy Appeal and sold poppies throughout the school this week to support the cause. They have begun their research into WW1 as part of our topic on Conflict and have a better understanding of the events across the Commonwealth ahead of Remembrance Sunday.

We explored medals, memorials and memories and pupils created and designed their own medals which they have home with them today.

As part of our topic we will be looking at BBC bitesize clips A-Z available here World War One A to Z - BBC Teach please review these clips with your child as some scenes may be potentially upsetting due to the nature of war but we try our best to ensure materials used are limited and controlled.

In our maths, pupils have completed a series of workshops improving their skills estimating and measuring angles, linking this to directions and bearings, whilst handling maps and considering the impact of scale. Pupils have posted snippets of their work on SEESAW. Please put a parental comment if you are able as pupils find this a real boost.

In our writing we have been inspired by Poppy Day and researched The Scottish Poppy Appeal and the origins of the Poppy. Our focus for the term will be on persuasive writing and using our notes to inform the reader. In our grammar lesson we combined our class novel chapter 17 with an input on speech marks.  The children read an excerpt from p.132 where Vindictus Sharpe whispers something in Lucian Silver's ear.  The author does not tell the reader what is said.  Pupils were asked to write what they thought the conversation held and to punctuate it appropriately with some very interesting results. Please ask your child about their progress - I was delighted to see the progress in both the inference skills and the punctuation improvements in the work produced.
Our week ended on yet another incredible high with the P7 Air Show. The pupils were set the challenge to LEAD their learning and demonstrate their skills to the younger pupils - a fantastic opportunity for all - Well done P7 Look out for next week's research task to investigate inspirational figures in flight. We will explore what it means to INSPIRE in depth this term.

Congratulations to our social target winner this week Susie McCue.

On Monday P7s have been given the opportunity to support the P1 Nativity in the role of Narrator 1 & 2.  The children who have opted-in to auditions have scripts home with them to practice over the weeknd. Good Luck in the auditions P7 - so lovely to see so many of you interested in helping the little ones. Mrs Davie has indicated that expression and clarity of speech are perhaps the more important elements of the audition as pupils will have the script to read from during the audition  – so no need to memorise it all at this stage.

Next week we have a short week - a reminder the school is closed to pupils on the Friday inservice. 

I am delighted to share that we will be welcoming our friends from Perth College/UHI this Tuesday 9.15am until lunch to deliver a carousel of STEM challenges to our P7 cohort and P6 cohort. Look out for highlights on SEESAW throughout the day.

It always amazes me what we can achieve in a short week and I hope your child is already looking forward to Monday!

Enjoy the weekend,
P7 & Mrs Watt