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A bittersweet week for many reasons this week with pupils embracing their learning amidst the sad news of Her Majesty the Queen's death.

Respectfulness was the theme throughout our school and our pupils simply shone with their thoughtful words and actions.

Our Junior Leadership Team have been appointed and the standard of applicants was very impressive. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward and congratulations to those who now hold the positions of responsibility for the year. If your child was unsuccesful for JLT they are now encouraged to join the remaining committees and clubs including Yearbook Committee, Junior Sports Leaders, STEM Ambassadors and Tech Team. We also welcome any ideas from P7s for new committees they wish to start as we are always interested in new ideas as our Ping Pong tournament shows!

All pupils are all encouraged to participate and contribute to the life of the school as senior pupils as they help make the school a happy place of learning for all.

In STEM the pupils have begun phase 2 of the Primary Air Race Challenge. We are now through to the next stage of the challenge and in preparation of flying our new school drone we considered aspects of Health & Safety. Please ask your child how they got on.

In our topic China your child will have explored similes and metaphors to support their descriptive writing. Please look out for their work on SEESAW. We also explored the Chinese Zodiac and the children discovered most of them were born in the year of the rabbit! The children also compared the weather in Edinburgh and Beijing. Our topic is a comparison study and it was a surprise to see how different the weather systems are.

In their number work, pupils have begun looking at multiplication strategies including rounding and estimation, grid method and lattice method techniques.  Part of their homework is to explain it to someone at home so please ask your child to show you one of the techniques.

Next week the school is closed on Monday to allow for the observance of the Queen's funeral by the King's command -  a bank holiday. 

To lift their spirits we have a very interesting and engaging week planned including on Tuesday our Hockey and indoor bowls sessions. On Wednesday,  we welcome a visit from the team at Barnardos to develop the childrens understanding of Substances and how to keep safe. On Thursday we welcome the Royal Navy for a series of STEM challenges and workshops and on Friday it is the Jeans for Genes awareness day followed by our long awaited PTA summer fete.

Tickets are still available for the fete and I hope to see many of you there.

Next week is the first of three parent contact evenings and I am delighted we can finally meet face to face - please contact the school office if you have not yet made arrangements for an appointment.

P7A & Mrs Watt