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Our P7 cohort received the Air Race Challenge Trophy this week amongst lots of goodies and have been officially invited to Glenrothes Airport on Weds 17th May to celebrate their success with a VIP experience. Congratulations to all.

Celebrations continued with the P7 STEM Success at Dundee Science Centre with the team winning the top spot - £100 to spend on STEM and a fantastic certificate.- Well done! Rachel, Ishbel, Astra, Callum, Josh and Euan who attended the event to represent the cohort.

3 CHEERS! for Josh Caldicott for his incredible performance in the United Kingdom Maths Trust Grey Kangaroo category with a whopping score of 95 and receiving a Certification of Merit for his outstanding mathematical performance.
Our final congratulations go to Katie Winski our social target winner!

A polite reminder to all families to check lost property for any belongings that may have been left behind this term.

We look forward to watching 'The Boy in Striped Pyjamas' as part of the end of term treat on Wednesday afternoon. Please contact the school office if you do not witsh your child to take part. Pupils are welcome to bring an additional snack for during the film.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Watt & P7A