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'High' lights this week included the P7 trip to Fife Airport with a range of experiences offered as part of the Grand Prize in the Air Race Challenge by Aerospace Kinross who covered the full costs (even the bus!). Pupils were invited to an exclusive event at Fife Airport where they rotated round 4 activities, light flights and runway watching, Drone Flying courtesy of Airborne Platforms UK Ltd, two VR experiences and a tour of some very cool light aircraft in the hangars and the control tower. Pupils also met Chris Home from Jet 2 who gave a talk on careers in aviation and Jamie Dickson who piloted the Eurofox and shared lots of cool facts about the local gliding club. Some eagle eyed P7s even spotted a couple of Aston Martins belonging to the Airport current owner Jim Watt.  

I would encourage everyone to spread the word about thsee fantastic learning experiences and view the photos/videos on SEESAW. Also, there is a super and reasonably priced cafe aptly named SKYVIEW ,outdoor picnic tables and plenty free parking should you wish to go up in the holidays/evening/weekends with your family just to watch the time (and aircraft) fly by....Over the two days our pupils saw umpteem small aircraft and several helicopters land and take off.

A massive thank you to all the individuals involved to make this happen including the team from Aerospace Kinross and of course, our own parent helpers - without their support these types of things just can't happen.

The trip was even on the news! Please check out the full clip from STV on SEESAW.

Canmore P7's success continued with our P7 Hockey team winning their tournament and now proceeding to Glasgow to play in the Scottish Primary School Finals - Well done to all and a massive thank you to Dougie for giving up his time to help train the team.

Congratulations to Leighton Parrish our social target winner this week !

Next week we are focuisng on show rehearsals and of course, our trip to Dunfermline High School on Weds 24th to attend some practical workshops and meet some of the S1 teachers.

Pupils will also have their photos taken on Friday 26th May for The Courier so a wee reminder to all pupils to wear school uniform.

We would welcome as many empty clean plastic bottles as you can spare! As we need loads for our next STEM challenge. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Watt & P7