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We had lots of happy faces as the cohort returned and were reunited with classmates following the Ardroy trip and bank holiday long weekend.

The highlights continued in Canmore P7 last week the Highlands this week the Moon! with the cohort immersed in the NASA experience Destination Moon mission.  I hope your child has told you all about it! 

The digital technology, the teamwork and communication was really something to see and the excitment brought a lot of the staff down to see what was happening. It was the first time this kind of experience has even been done in a Scottish School - so a massive well done to all involved! We look forward to the next part of the Air Race Challenge prize on the 16/17th May with a trip to Glenrothes Airfield. Pupils will get a tour of the airport, an opportunity to get onboard small aircraft, and a VR Experience - so much to look forward to!

In our writing we have focused on re-telling our experiences in recounts/diary format. Pupils have written lots about their experiences and we will continue this type of writing for a few weeks.  We have a calendar packed full of exciting learning opportunities so please keep an eye on SEESAW for reminders of important dates.

We ended our week with a STEM challenge to design a tech-throne for King Charles III please look out for your child's work on SEESAW - some very interesting designs.

Congratulations to Katie Winski our social target winner.

I look forward to watching the King's Coronation on TV on Saturday and hope the P7s get a chance to tune in too and observe this moment in history.

Enjoy the long weekend.
Mrs Watt & P7A