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Another incredible week of learning experiences at Canmore Primary School.

One of the main highlights this week included the singing at the Fife Festival of Music. The adjudicator commented on how great it was to see both classes on stage - they looked stunning in their uniforms - making such a great sound together, they kept in time and really filled the auditorium. Well done everyone!

Another main highlight was the visit from Josh Edwards with the Pars Foundation Heath Team. Genarro and a few players visited the class on Thursday afternoon and helped the children learn about keeping healthy, whilst the coaches Ian and Stevie took them through skills development sessions in the hall.

In our Conflict studies topic pupils have been learning about Roles in the War. We have explored ARP Wardens and Blackout Wardens, plus many other roles in the home guard/ home front.  

We have been reading Goodnight Mr Tom and will view excerpts of the movie as we make progress through the chapters.  Reading skills remains an area of focus in Term 3 and pupils have been improving their technique answering a question. This will remain the reading skill focus for the fortnight.

In our STEM lessons we have begun a competition with the Young Engineers Scotland. Please speak with your child about this.

Congratulations to Mirren Martin & Calum McCreadie our social target winners this week.

Good Luck to our Rotary team on Tuesday night! 

Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Watt & P7