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This week we have focused on algebra in our number work and using function machines. Some of us have explored basic equations and gathering terms. We will continue this when we return in April.

In our writing we have compared and contrasted our class novel with the theatrical movie Goodnight Mr Tom. Discussions were held on the obvious differences, the casting in the movie, the characters that made the movie - despite their strong presence in the book - the setting and the character journeys.  Lots of interesting ideas were shared and pupils have realilsed that the novel is very similar - for lots of reasons - to our previous novel The Nowhere Emporium. The lead characters face long journeys and change a lot along the way. Comparisons have been drawn the P7 journey that they been on in their own personal lives and of course, what lies ahead in S1.

In our STEM learning we have had a fantastic end to Term 3 with our P7 pupils working together to further their understanding of Chemical Reactions and completing fair tests. We have completed a block of experiments observing and recording change with a focus on salt dissolving- please ask your child to show you their progress on SEESAW and try some experiments out at home on dissolving.

Congratulations to James White our social target winner this week.

Term 4 brings a lot of personal change. Ardroy is fast approaching, as is, S1.
We look forward to welcoming the cohort back for their final term - until then relax!
Enjoy the holiday two weeks.
Mrs Watt