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Our last full week of Primary 7! And it has been a super busy one!

We finished the recording of Joseph. Children were wonderful and we can’t wait for you to see the show next week. Further details will be sent out nearer the time.

We also had the Buddy Party this week, and P6/7 and P7 were just fantastic! They showed excellent responsibility, ensuring the event ran smoothly and that everyone involved had a great time!

Bothwell pupils had a Teams meet this morning, along with other primary schools, where they met a number of staff members from DHS. Henryson and Canmore pupils will have their Team meetings on Tuesday.

Next week is very busy! It’s going to be a really fun but emotional week as we come to the end of P7.

On Monday, P7 are scheduled for the House Treat at 9am so they should come in dressed down.

On Tuesday, children in Henryson and Canmore will have their House Teams meetings. Afterwards, P7 will be presented with their yearbooks and high school ties. In the afternoon, we will have a ‘Cinema Experience’, where children will watch the new Disney movie, Cruella. Children will be provided with some snacks and juice, but they are also welcome to bring in their own treats, if they want.

On Wednesday, we will watch Joseph, along with the school community. We are very excited! This will also be the day where children will get the opportunity to have their shirts signed. Unfortunately, P7s won’t be able to go around the classes this year and get their shirts signed like they normally do. However, P7s can bring a shirt in on Wednesday 23rd June and these will be laid out in the hall. Our plan is for each class to go down to the hall at an allocated time slot and sign the shirts. This will allow for all children to take home a signed shirt at the end of the day, while also following COVID safety guidelines.

And Thursday… the last day of P7!! Firstly, we will watch the Leavers’ Assembly, along with the school community. We will then have a fun-filled day to celebrate the end of P7.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, Mrs Forrest 😊