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Welcome to our final full weekly update of Term 3. Only a slightly shorter week to go next week before the holidays!

It was lovely to catch-up with so many of you during the two Parent Contact sessions earlier this week and to be able to share how your children are doing in P7.

This week has had a real literacy focus with a series of linked lessons on reading comprehension skills. The children are making significant progress in this area. We will continue this focus throughout next week too.

In numeracy, we have continued developing and strengthening our understanding of how to convert simple fractions to percentages and then to decimal fractions, and vice-versa. The children are now feeling much more confident.

Our World War II topic is drawing to a close and on Thursday we explored the end of the war in Europe. The death of Hitler was a major topic for discussion as we explored what happened and whether or not the on-going conspiracy theories about his escape had any foundation. The class were definitely split in their thoughts about this but very keen to learn more!

On Tuesday next week we are planning to continue working toward achieving our John Muir Award that we started during our time at Ardroy. We will be doing activities outside on the field and it could be wet and muddy. Please ensure that your child comes prepared with a water-proof coat and suitable changes of footwear.

Congratulations to Lewis RA Young who is this week’s social target winner who is a super example of a pupil that demonstrates our Canmore values – Well done Lewis!

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend ahead of that final push for the last few days of term.

Mr. Morgan.