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Welcome to our weekly update.

It was great to see so many of you at Tuesday’s Ardroy information evening. Thank you to Phil Thompson from Ardroy OEC for his support and the information he has shared about next week’s trip, I hope you found it helpful.
Canmore staff will post updates on Seesaw throughout the week, however, please remember that Ardroy use a Flickr account to post photos of the children doing their activities. Typically, these are uploaded by Ardroy staff in the early evening so please check there for more photos – search for Ardroy Flikr to find the photo stream.

It was hard to keep the children’s mind on anything else during the week as they are so excited about their time away but we did get some other work done. In topic, we learned about the Battle of the Atlantic and how the German u-boats tried to stop supplies reaching Britain. This led us to learn about rationing, as well as the ‘Dig for Victory’ and ‘Make Do and Mend’ campaigns to help Britain become more self-sufficient.

In Art, we have been continuing to develop our drawing skills. We have looked at details and form and, as a bit of fun, we used the idea of drawing an abstract fish to learn about the use of colours. We learned about primary and secondary colours are as well as what complimentary colours are too. Our fish may look a little strange, but the colour schemes work so well together!

In STEM, the children were challenged to build the tallest free-standing wind turbine like structure they could using only 5 sheets of A4 paper and some glue. Both classes worked well together in their groups with lots of problem-solving being very evident. The tallest structure was well over 1m tall. Well done everyone.

Congratulations to Lucas who is this week’s social target winner.

I hope that you all have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday morning! Happy packing!

Mr. Morgan.