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There is no mistaking what the highlight of the week was! I’m sure they’ve never stopped talking about it.

On Wednesday, we had the first of our two visits this week to Dunfermline High School. As part of the Transition Process, our P7s attended DHS to experience a typical lesson. Two of the groups had a Home Economics lesson where they made a pizza wrap and one group attended an Art lesson on use of tone and colour. The children were able to experience some of the atmosphere at lunch time and at period changeover too. Lots of good discussions and questions followed the visit. On Thursday, a couple of our class also attended Woodmill High School for a similar experience before their transition to S1.

On Friday, we had our second visit of the week to DHS. This time it was to attend and represent Canmore at the cluster Scottish Country Dance Festival. We participated in two dances, The Gay Gordon’s and Strip the Willow. The children were fantastic and took part with enthusiasm and lots of smiles on their faces. They now know these dances very well, so get them up and dancing at your next, wedding, ceilidh or Scottish celebration!

In Literacy this week, we looked at how we report information and the importance of using clear and concise language. We did this by linking it to the role of an ARP Warden during and after a bombing raid in WWII.

In Expressive Arts (Drama), we had our first full read through of the script for our end of year show. All of the script is now available on Seesaw and an agreement has been made with the children that the learning of lines for their part in the show is now part of their weekly homework. Even if they do not have many lines to learn, we ask that they learn the lines of others from their type of character set so that they can step up to cover lines in case of illness etc on the day of their performance. Please help them learn their lines if you can.

For Topic this week, we looked at two areas of WWII. The role of the Air Raid Precautions Warden and also the attack on Pearl Harbour. The children are keen to find out how America’s entry into the war will change events.

A quick reminder for next week. On Tuesday the 27th, at 6.00pm, a member of staff from Ardroy will be coming along to Canmore to give a presentation to the parents of the P7s going to Ardroy. This is your opportunity to find out a little more about the week and ask any questions you may have. Canmore staff will also be there to speak to if you wish to ask them any questions.

Congratulations to Katie Couper who is this week’s winner of our Social Target.

I hope that you all have a super weekend and for those coming along on Tuesday, I will see you next week.

Mr. Morgan.