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Welcome to our weekly P7 catch-up.

The highlight of the week has to have been Tuesday’s visit to the Fife Festival of Music at the Vine Centre. Canmore opened the show and sang beautifully. They looked so smart in their school uniforms too. The adjudicator’s comments were full of praise. Thank you to all of the parent helpers who joined us on the day to make the day possible to attend.

On Wednesday, pupils who receive music instruction also attended the Fife Festival of Music to play their instruments. Although I was not there to hear for myself the feedback was excellent. Well done to all from across our whole cohort and other classes for their efforts.

In topic throughout the week, we have been learning about the time of the Blitz during WWII. The children have seen just how destructive the bombing was and learned about the range of bombs that were used. The level of destruction caused and the impact that this had on the people who experienced the Blitz of Britain’s cities was quite shocking. We learned about what an Anderson Shelter was and next week we will recreate our own model shelters and create some Blitz themed artwork.

In literacy, we have started to look at the importance of language choices and how to write a set of step-by-step instructions. Initially, the class thought that it would be an easy challenge but quickly realised just how much thought goes into making a simple instruction. Our first challenge was to write instructions to put on shoes and ties the laces and our second challenge was to make a cup of tea. Please check Seesaw to see how your child got on. Almost all know how to make a cup of tea now – so no excuses from them if you fancy one!

In numeracy, we have started to work on consolidating our learning of fractions. We have started with simple fractions and fractions of amounts, and we will continue this next week.

Congratulations to Isobel who is this week’s Social Target winner.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mr. Morgan.