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Our first full week of Term 3 is now complete and what a busy one it was.

The auditions for our end-of-year show ‘Ali Baba & The Bongo Bandits’ was very much at the forefront of the mind of many of the class. Congratulations and very well done to all of those who put themselves forward for auditions. The selection committee did a great job organising and hearing all of the auditions and then helping with the selecting of roles. Everyone has now been allocated an initial role and these will be finalised over the next few weeks once we edit the script to match the numbers of actors etc.

Earlier this week Burns poetry was issued for learning. Our Burns Day celebrations are always marked with a recital by the children of his work or other Scottish poetry. The P7’s have been issued with the challenge to learn a Burns poem. Words were sent home and also posted on Seesaw in the activities section. Each pupil is to choose one of the three options and learn it before the 25th of January. An audio or video recording of their performance is to be uploaded to Seesaw as part of this homework challenge. Please remind and help your child with this activity providing encouragement and support with their pace, expression and pronunciation.

On Thursday, Mrs Baxter came into class to help us learn two songs that we will be performing at the Vine Centre at the end of January as part of the Fife Festival of Music. The songs are ‘Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing’ and ‘Here Comes the Sun’.

For our WWII topic and literacy this week, we looked at the declaration of war by Neville Chamberlain, how it was reported in newspapers and we have started to discuss why children had to be evacuated from the cities for safety reasons. We will continue with this next week too.

In numeracy, we have started to look at division and how to divide whole numbers and decimals numbers by a single digit giving answers with or without remainders.

Our Yearbook Committee have also been hard at work this week and are asking all pupils to submit a baby photo of themselves through Seesaw for inclusion in this year’s yearbook. Please only send the photo in via Seesaw, no originals to be brought to school.

Ardroy medical forms were also issued this week to pupils. If you are still to return these, please return them at the earliest opportunity. Thank you.

Congratulations to Ryan who is this week’s Social Target winner. I hope that you all have a great weekend. Wrap up warm if you are heading out as the forecast says it’s going to be a cold one!

Mr. Morgan.