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Welcome to our final full week catch-up for 2023! With just a short week to go next week, the Christmas holidays will soon be here. Christmas has very much arrived at Canmore and P7 have been right in the middle of it all. Our P1 Nativity took place this week and all of our P7 narrators and helpers did so well supporting the little ones during their performances.

On Thursday it was the P7 Christmas party, their last ever at Canmore, and a great time was had. We didn’t quite get around to doing Scottish Country dances at the party itself but prior to our party we did learn the Military Two-Step. That makes three dances the children all know so no excuses for them at any upcoming celebrations and parties over the festive period! Get them up on the floor!

In numeracy we have been consolidating our learning in symmetry and in literacy we have been continuing to develop and strengthen our persuasive writing techniques. Earlier in the week we had convinced the class that Fife Council were considering a last-minute change to shorten the Christmas holidays. The passion they had to write and protest was amazing to see and the persuasive techniques used in their writing was also great to see. I hope that you had a chance to read their letters on Seesaw.

Next week is a short week and we finish at 3pm on Wednesday. I hope that you all have a restful and relaxing weekend ahead of the Christmas festivities – and last-minute shopping rushes!

Have a super weekend.
Mr. Morgan.