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Welcome to our latest weeky catch-up.

In literacy, we have been continuing to improve our comprehension skills, both in reading and listening comprehension. We have almost completed chapter six of our class novel, War Horse by Michael Morpurgo should you wish to read along with us at home. In writing, we have looked at how to write from the viewpoint of a soldier in the trenches and how to put a positive spin on our letters to avoid censorship problems.

In topic this week we have looked at a couple of the major battles of World War 1 and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The class were quite shocked at just how much the reparation payments were! Please ask you child about their learning in this area.

On Thursday, the class marked St. Andrews Day. Some of the class wore touches of tartan and we finished the day with a little taste of shortbread and Irn-Bru. How more Scottish can you get!

This week we also say goodbye to Miss Hunter who has been with us for the last ten weeks and we wish her all the best in her future teaching career.

Christmas is temporarily due to come to class next week as we plan to spend the week making and preparing items for sale at next Friday’s Christmas Fair. We hope to see you there!

Congratulations to Freya who is this week’s social target winner together with Emily Staff as nominated by Miss Hunter!

As always, I wish you all a restful and relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.