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Welcome to our last weekly update of this term.  Can you believe that the first term is complete already and the October holidays are about to begin! Where has time gone?

It was lovely to catch-up with so many of you over the two parent contact sessions that were held this week.

A Japanese theme linked a few of our subject areas together this week. In topic, we have been looking at the history of Japan both ancient and modern. In RME, we looked at one of the major religions of Japan, Zen Buddhism. In our topic art, we looked at Origami. This was linked again to an element of their modern history and the story of Sadako Sasaki who was affected by the bombing of Hiroshima in WWII. Sadako became ill and was determined to fold 1000 paper cranes in the hope that the wish that this ancient challenge granted would make her well again. The crane and a statue of Sadako is now a part of the Children’s Peace Monument in Hiroshima.

In literacy, we have looked at similes and have been using the concept of the ‘plot mountain’ to help plan and write our imaginative stories. The class were excited to use this concept as it helped them have a clearer understanding of how to build a story. The song which goes along with the media resource was very catchy and this helped too.

In numeracy, we have linked our understanding of multiplication and division of numbers to decimals in money.

We finished off the week with our house treat for the winning house of the term – Earth. Thank you to the pupils of Earth for their efforts over the term and to the members of the JLT for their support this afternoon in helping make the afternoon treat run smoothly.

And finally, I hope that both pupils and parents have a well-deserved rest over the next two weeks, with plenty opportunities for some family time together. I look forward to seeing everyone back safe and well on the 23rd of October.

Happy holidays everyone!

Mr. Morgan.