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Welcome to our first full weekly update.

The children have continued to settle in well to life in their new classroom and to life in P7. The week has been a busy one as we have started working on a number of curricular areas.

In numeracy, we have refreshed our understanding of rounding and next week we will be looking at addition strategies.

In literacy, we have completed our spelling assessment and began to strengthen our spelling by looking at certain patterns and sounds. Please remind your child that this week’s spelling work is posted on Seesaw and evidence of their practising at home should be posted on Seesaw no later than by Monday evening. Also in literacy, we have started to look at imaginative writing and how to write more interesting sentence starters to engage their reader more.

This week we have engaged in some environmental art using natural materials and started discussion in class to create a class charter.

Our Social Studies topic of Japan has really gripped their interest and this week we have looked at creating some Sakura Blossom (Cherry Blossom) artwork. The class are showing that they are becoming quite talented artists as we have studied the lines and forms that make up the flower shapes. Our imaginative writing has also been linked to our topic as we used a dragon theme. We discovered an interesting fact that Japanese dragons don’t have wings! Mrs Watt has been teaching the class how to count to 20 in Japanese, complete with actions! I’ve tried too but not sure if I’ve got it yet. I’ll keep trying. Ask you child for a demonstration of what they have learned.

Those who have buddies continued to support them throughout the week at breaks and lunchtimes. It has been really pleasing to see the enthusiasm and kindness that they continue to show to our newest pupils. Their buddies even came to our P7 classrooms this week for a quick visit. This afternoon those with buddies shared some time outside together with the P1s doing some outdoor learning and helping them explore the environment of the school. Weather permitting, we will continue to do this most Fridays for term 1.

Junior Leadership (JLT) applications have been posted on Seesaw for children to complete should they wish to apply for the positions of Head and Depute Head Boy/Girl. All submissions should be returned by Monday. Replies to the questionnaire can be made in writing using the form on Seesaw or can recorded on Seesaw and submitted online. Both Mrs Howie and Mrs McIntosh have access to our class Seesaw accounts and will see any responses made electronically. If you can, please support your child at home with their applications. Good luck to everyone who is going for it!

Congratulations to Megan who is this week's Social Target winner.

Next week at his time will be the Summer Fair and immediately prior to that is our informal ‘Meet the Teacher’. If you are able to pop into class next week, I look forward to seeing you there. Until then, I hope that you all have a relaxing and restful weekend.

Mr. Morgan.