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One week closer to the end of term, and what a week it was for the class!

On Monday, the class enjoyed a games design virtual workshop where they had to design a Maze game of their own. We have a very talented group of future programmers in class.

The absolute highlight of the week has to have been their three-day transition visit to Dunfermline High School. Unforeseen issues with transport arrangements meant that I had a little extra time with the class after school on Wednesday to hear all about their day and again on Thursday afternoon when they returned to school with their S1 timetables! There was a real buzz of excitement around the classroom.

Today, the class were reflecting on their week at DHS and getting their focus back on to our show next week.

Can I take this opportunity to reaffirm the arrangements for next Wednesday. Our show will start at 6.00pm and will run for approximately two hours (including the intermission). Pupils should arrive at school around, but no later than 5.45pm to get into their costumes ready for the show starting promptly at 6.00pm. Two seats per child have been allowed for and I would ask that you are seated promptly for 6.00pm

The 15-20 minute intermission will be at around about 6.40-6.45 to allow you to get a quick refreshment and hopefully take part in our raffle (cash sale only). Details of the hamper will be issued on Seesaw very soon. We hope to see you there!

Of course tonight is the big night too!  Limos are awaiting them and I look forward to seeing them tonight for their prom.

I hope that you all have a super weekend!

Mr. Morgan.