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Where has the term gone? Here we are at the end of the second last week of term already with the Easter break almost on the horizon. And it’s been another busy week in P7.

We finished off the week with an inter-house bench ball tournament. The enthusiasm to be involved was amazing from the class with so many wanting to be the member of the class representing their house.

We have enjoyed two STEM sessions this week as we looked a little more closely at our project to design a sustainable eco-friendly school. Gathering ideas and looking at the use of BBC micro-bits played a large part of these sessions and the children have been just so enthusiastic.

In literacy, the class have worked on our class novel, War Horse, and have looked more carefully at the true meaning of the book – please ask your child to share their thoughts about resilience and coping with change. The class also enjoyed an online Author's Live event with Cressida Cowell a very well-known children’s author.

In numeracy, we have started looking at the use of scale and for some pupils we have started to discuss algebra.

For our topic, we had a super discussion and worked hard on our learning all about Operation Overlord (D-Day). The class were amazed at the scale of the build-up and the sacrifices of the brave soldiers.

Next Friday will be the last day of term and a fun day organised by our Junior Sports Leader will take place to raise funds for PE equipment - all donations welcomed.  Our JSL will be hosting a SPLAT_A_THON where pupils can pay to splat their JSL with a wet sponge – I’m positive that it will be a very popular event so please be generous and help raise money for the school in a fun way!

Congratulations to Katy Miller who is this week’s Social Target winner.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.