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The excitement was just amazing this week as I announced that it was showtime!  On one hand it is so exciting to be starting all our preparation for our P7 show but on the other hand it comes with the realisation that we are now planning for events at the end of P7! It seems to have come around so quickly.
The week has been full of singing and dancing with our show preparations by learning two of the songs. The enthusiasm was just amazing to watch and the whole P6/7 and P7 cohort were very, very co-ordinated. What a great start!
In Literacy this week, we have been looking at instructional writing and have been busy creating information leaflets and posters with a WWII theme.

In Numeracy, we have continued looking at angles and how to measure accurately with a protractor.

For our Topic, this week we have been looking at the Blitz and what life would have been for those living through it. I hope that you have enjoyed seeing some of the animated images the class have created on Seesaw.

On Thursday, the class had a MSTeams meet with Mr Buchanan from Dunfermline High School as well as some of our ex-Canmore pupils who are now Head Girl and senior pupils. The class were very excited to learn more about their next big step!

In STEM we looked at how to produce electricity using a water turbine. Once again, lots of good teamwork and problem solving on display. 
For homework, I have asked the class to continue researching and preparing a presentation on a subject of their choice from the homework grid. The only difference is that I have asked that they carry out their presentations at home to camera, or to parents. If they are presenting to you, please support them in this and give them feedback on their efforts. All presentations filmed, or otherwise, should be uploaded to Seesaw before each Tuesday. In addition to this task, the class also have an audition script to learn should they wish to audition for role in our show – Rock Bottom. They are to learn the role of Rocky. Auditions will take place next Tuesday.
Congratulations to Rosie Taylor for winning this week’s Social Target. The target was to think of others and Rosie just exemplifies this quality perfectly.

Finally, just a quick reminder to upload baby photos to Seesaw for our yearbook. The Yearbook Committee have been hard at work preparing pupil pages and your timely help would be gratefully appreciated.
I hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.
Mr. Morgan.