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P7 Update

Here we are once again at the end of yet another busy week of learning in P7.

The highlight of the week was the time spent this week on getting across the Internet Safety message. On Tuesday, Mrs Watt and I were so impressed by the engagement, motivation and quality of the work being produced by the P7’s and P6/7’s as they came together to learn about keeping safe on the internet. Their growing Digital Literacy skills were very evident as they used a range of digital tools to create mascots and animated characters to help get the message out. I hope you enjoyed seeing some of their work on Seesaw. Please ask your child about their learning to help reinforce the 'staying safe' message.

This week in Numeracy the class have been looking at angles. Many found using a protractor more difficult than they expected but rose to the challenge.

In Literacy, we started and finished the week by looking at how to summarise and clearly present information for use in a leaflet. Having looked at a copy of an original WWII letter about the evacuation of children, we created a leaflet to try to simplify what was a complicated message. Look out for these on Seesaw as we finish them.  Our discussions around what life was like as an evacuee child in 1939 has resulted in a lovely display of some heartfelt letters home, and their replies, that the class have written. For spelling this week, the class have enjoyed using a range of spelling games and in particular ‘Bananagram’. It really brought out the competitive element in some pupils! As next week is a short week, next week’s homework presentations will be given one day earlier than normal on Monday and Tuesday instead. Following on from this, homework will not be expected to be carried out over the holiday period. Therefore, their next presentations to class will not be required until Tuesday the 1st of March.

In topic we have been looking at The Battle of Britain and The Blitz. The class have listened to speeches from Winston Churchill and started looking at what life was like living in a city. Our Art was also linked to the Blitz as we created a collage artwork showing the city ablaze.

In Science, the class have continued to work on their designs and practical work related to creating an environmentally friendly school building and playground. This week they looked at using photo-voltaic cells to collect solar energy.  

Congratulations to Rebecca Fett who is this week’s social target winner.
I hope that you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.