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P7 Update
I have been very proud of the level of maturity shown by the class this week. Over a couple of days this week our topic covered the sensitive issue of the Holocaust. This prompted many reflective and mature discussions on the subject. On Thursday we watched the film ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas’ which brought about a few tears as the class empathised with the characters. Also, in Art, the children were asked to reflect on their thoughts about some of the images of the Holocaust and create a linked set of images. The theme of the week was to look back and learn from the past so as to never allow anything like this to ever happen again.

In Numeracy, we have continued our work and strengthened our understanding of fractions.

In Literacy, we have continued looking at how to identity bias and reporting of facts by creating newspaper reports on subjects related to our topic. Our topic theme has also generated some wonderful presentations. We have started working on creating visual mental stories as a strategy to help us remember facts and subject matter so that our presentations can involve more eye-contact with the audience and less reading off the screen. Please ask your child if they can remember the 12 facts we have started with and how they go about remembering – it’s a very effective strategy that everyone can use.

In Digital Literacy, the class are working well on their GLOW based websites and this week we looked at how to add images. Once again, I am very impressed that some children have been so enthused by this learning that they have spent many hours of their own time at home continuing to create web pages.

However, the absolute highlight of the week has been our Ceilidh on Tuesday afternoon. We started with a 12 minute long Strip the Willow, followed by the Canadian Barn Dance and the St Bernard’s Waltz. Our poetry recitals were just super and we finished the afternoon off with a song. It was smiles all the way!

And on that happy thought, I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Mr. Morgan.