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I am constantly amazed at just how quick the weeks are going in this term, it’s hard to believe that we are in December already!

The build-up to Christmas has started this week as the Advent calendar and Christmas trees went up in class. It was lovely to see how excited the children were.
In Science today, we looked at Forces and how Newton’s Third Law can be seen in action. The class were building balloon powered cars. The challenge was to overcome, inertia, friction and power their cars using air pressure. They had great fun exploring and problem-solving!  I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos on Seesaw.

In Numeracy, we have moved on to money and plan to link this to our learning in Digital Literacy next week when we start working on Excel spreadsheets.

Also in Digital Literacy, we have finished our focus on how to create and edit digital images. Our final learning was on how to tell a story through images (narrative photography) and to create a triptych, or more, of photographs. I hope you enjoyed seeing their work on Seesaw too.

Miss Turnbull has been working with the class in Literacy and the class have been looking at the differences between fact and opinion as well as how to use short sentences in their persuasive writing. I know I have said this before but I continue to be very impressed with just how persuasive the class are!

And finally, can I ask that the class come to school on Tuesday dressed for outdoor P.E. Hopefully, on Tuesday, we have an opportunity for a hockey coach to come to Canmore to instruct the P6/7’s and P7’s. This will be an outdoor lesson. Fingers crossed for good weather.

Have a super, relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.