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Can I just start by saying how lovely it has been to catch-up with some parents this week during Parent Contact and I look forward to talking with more of you next week.

It’s becoming quite scary how fast the weeks are going by in P7 but so enjoyable at the same time. A couple of members of the class also mentioned today that they couldn’t believe that it was Friday already!

Our STEM activities today ended the week on a damp note, well not just damp, more like a drenching! The P7 and P6/7 cohort tested their model buildings to see how well their designs met the ‘Beat the Flood Challenge’. Some just about managed to survive the heavy rain but not many survived the Tsunami. Lots of happy faces and lots of great discussions about how they could change their designs after the test. I love to see children having fun whilst learning.

In Numeracy this week, we looked at the Order of Operations for equations and the class ended the week with a good solid understanding. They learned how to set out their work to show their understanding step-by-step too.

In Literacy, our writing focus this week was on using a mix of adverbs and similes to start descriptive passages and the class produced some amazing examples. For our Listening and Talking, the class focus was on presentation skills. The presentations that have been prepared as homework were just wonderful and many of the class are demonstrating a real skill for this.

Our learning about Japan revolved around the disasters of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII.  The class were saddened and very shocked at just how many lost their lives. Such a sad time in Japan’s history.

This week for PE we have tried Carpet Bowling. The class have suddenly become super competitive and are desperate for more chances to try this sport out. I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the clips on Seesaw.

On Thursday and Friday, we enjoyed the chance to support charities by taking part in a MacMillan and a Race for Life event. Once again, lots of happy smiley faces.

And finally, congratulations to Eva Fraser, Casey Turner and Rebecca Gibson who each were awarded a Social Target award for their actions to help and support others.

I hope that you all have a safe and relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.