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What a super week it has been for P7!

The main focus in the minds of the class this week was definitely on their applications, interviews and selection to become members of the school Junior Leadership teams. Feedback from Mrs Howie and Mrs McIntosh was that everyone who interviewed and presented themselves very, very well and they truly reflected the school values.

It was an incredibly hard decision to make but I am a very proud teacher this week and very proud to report that a high proportion of the JLT roles were filled by members of our class. Congratulations to all of those who were selected and a huge thank you and well done to those who applied but were unsuccessful at this time.

Mrs McIntosh has asked if those who are not filling a JLT position would consider putting themselves forward for our Playground Problem Solving team (PPS). This is a position of responsibility and if your child is considering this, please take a few minutes over the weekend to discuss this with them.

In Literacy, we have been looking at use of descriptive phrases and punctuation. In Numeracy, we had an assessment on Place Value and the class scored very well indeed. In RME, we’ve started to look at the story of Buddha. We will extend this learning to include Zen Buddhism which is popular in Japan. And talking of Japan, the class continue to be amazed at just how different life is in Japan when compared to Scotland. In PE, we continued our Olympic theme and tried to learn how to throw a javelin properly – which was great fun. In Art, we have looked at the story behind the Willow Pattern plate and started to recreate our own. Finally, earlier today in Science we used our STEM problem solving (and Origami skills) to design, build and modify the best paper plane, helicopter and hooped gliders that we could. Did you know that the record for distance is almost 227 feet?  We didn’t manage to get that far but we had fun learning and problem solving – as well as flying them too.
Please see a photo of our Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputes now proudly wearing their special badges.
More photos will follow next week of our House Captains, Vice House Captains and Ambassadors.
I hope that you all have a lovely relaxing and safe weekend.

Take care.

Mr. Morgan.