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This week we were preparing for our coronation celebration on Friday! We looked at key details linked to the coronation in comprehension. We had a go writing our own coronation tale and also made some decorations for the school hall.

On Thursday during our gym session we looked at traditional lawn games and had a chance to review these during our writing session. If you haven't read our review writing on Seesaw, please do so. The pupils have been very expressive in showcasing their feelings/opinions in their writing. We also enjoyed organising and hosting lawn games for our whole school community on Friday.

In topic, we have started to look at the union of the crowns. This has been very interesting and Miss Bain has shared lots of Scotland's key events in history. We even had the chance to design a symbol representing the union of the crowns. Check out Seesaw to see these wonderful designs. We look forward to learning more about this and about Scottish Parliament next week as we has a visitor from Scottish Parliament visiting on Tuesday.

A real highlight of our week was joining together with the rest of the school on Friday to celebrate the coronation. We enjoyed lawn games and a class party as well as some other coronation fun!

We are still on the look out for 2 litre bottles for our upcoming John Muir task so please bring these in before the end of May.

Enjoy your long weekend,
Miss Graham