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Dear parents and carers,

This week the children have researched a person of their choice on which to write a biography. These range from well-known footballers and actors to family members. Mrs Brand is reading various short inspiring biographies to the class, and the children are doing well reading with expression in their groups.

Alongside developing our use of the standard written method of multiplication, we are practising our times tables. We have looked at fact families that demonstrate the important link between division and multiplication.

We explored multiple lines of symmetry in snowflake-like structures, by working in teams and using both K-nex and paper cotton buds. In some 3D structures the number of lines were endless. 

P6A are having a fun time practising their Scottish country dancing for their party, which will be held on Monday afternoon. We’ve danced the Gay Gordons, the Virginia Reel and, more recently, the Dashing White Sergeant. In our music lesson, the primary sixes sang joyfully together, led by Mrs Baxter. Choir members also performed beautifully at the Nativity on Monday and represented our school at Sky last week.

The stick insects are needing a home over the Christmas holidays. They only need some ivy leaves and cleaned out once a week. Please let us know if you and your child could be the willing hosts. They are very low-maintenance pets.

Best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin.