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Dear family members,

In maths, we have been revising subtraction alongside studying the value of money. For literacy, we have looked at what elements make an informative review, and learned how to voice our opinion in formal writing. We wrote our own reviews of last year’s Eurovision Song Contest song. In comprehension, we are learning the skill of inference (reading between the lines).

Angela the Scottish Parliament education department visited on Tuesday to discuss the structure and role of the parliament and MSPs, as well as how votes are used to choose representatives. The children asked very insightful questions and learned lots! On Thursday, we watched an online play by Smoke Factor promoting the Future Smoke Free Generation.

We began to weed our raised flower bed, and hope to plant seeds in our next session of outdoor learning. We are also intending to go to the woods for some outdoor learning over the next few weeks and will be looking for parent helpers with this. Please see our See Saw messages for more information.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Brand