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Dear Parents and Carers, 
It's been a fun last week in P6A. For literacy, we’re coming to the end of our Creative Writing. The children have written fantastic imaginative stories through which we’ve learned about using different openers, interesting words and connectives. We’ve also developed our skills in proof-reading and self-assessing our work, so that we are better able to uplevel our writing independently.
In maths, our investigations into angles continue. We are now able to compare and estimate the size of angles as well as measure and draw angles using a protractor.
In art, we looked at how illustrators begin their drawings using basic shapes and studied the work of illustrator Christopher Niemann. This inspired many of our own ideas which we communicated through drawing.  For our John Muir Award and as part of a tree planting programme for the Coronation, we planted trees beside the fence in the school playing field. It was very muddy and rewarding. Our topic covered the function of the brain this week and we enjoyed discovering what type of learners we are.
We wish you all a very happy, relaxing and well-deserved holiday.
Kind regards,
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin