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Dear parents and carers,

We’ve been enjoying having the children back in school.

In preparation for our Burn’s Day Recital, the children are learning a  poem by a Scots Poet. Many are doing Robert Burns’ ‘A Man’s A Man For A’ That’, which is about equality. The poems have been issued on SeeSaw. Please encourage and help your child practise at home.

To go with this, our artwork is based on the Burns poem ‘On Seeing A Wounded Hare’, and the children have produced impressive portraits of the animal.

Our new topic is Scottish inventors. Having researched a few, we are now growing mould to develop our understanding of Alexander Fleming’s work and the discovery of penicillin. 

In maths, we continue division and using the standard written method. Our times table knowledge is invaluable so we are also practising this alongside.

Kind regards,
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin.