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Dear parents and carers,
It has been a busy week in Primary 6a with a good variety of history, science and outdoor learning threading through the learning.  

In numeracy, we are coming to the end of our data handling topic and are consolidating our learning in pie charts, line graphs and bar charts. Next week we will move into addition and subtraction. 

In our literacy, we learned about persuasive techniques and practised using them by creating advertising scripts to sell products. We also used persuasive language to co-write a letter related to our learning about human rights and women who were accused of being witches in the 17th Century. Linked to this, we created a portrait of a witch, influenced by the Cubist artist Picasso on Halloween. There were some wonderful portraits. 

 In fitness, we are focusing on establishing a personal pace that allows us to maintain stamina throughout the lesson. We will be pushing the time for each exercise to 1 minute 15 seconds next week and aiming to keep going at a pace that suits the individual. 

Thursday was official ‘Outdoor Classroom Day’. To mark this, we focused on our John Muir Explorer Award. The children wrote poems, identified and named leaves, seeds and collected objects of nature and studied them for observational drawings. Our maths too, took place outside where we created a scale model of different trees, comparing the emergent layer of the rainforest with trees in our school playground. It was good fun. For more pictures, please see SeeSaw. 

We wish you a safe Bonfire Weekend!
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin