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Dear parents,

First of all, thank you to all who managed to visit our classroom on Friday. It was a pleasure to meet you all and show you our learning space.

We have had an exciting week. In numeracy we have been practising rounding numbers using number lines as an aid. In literacy we wrote descriptions of both cat characters and an Edinburgh setting to develop our use of adjectives and adverbs. Our topic Edinburgh is inspiring both our writing and our artwork/ STEM learning and we have begun to design sculptures based on the work of Edinburgh’s most well known artist, Paolozzi.

Following our geography lessons on Edinburgh, we have progressed into learning about the social history of Edinburgh’s Old Town and what life was like within the castle walls in the mid 1600s.

The children are doing their own research in ICT into Edinburgh landmarks and tourist destinations, and we hope to build a bank of information on this subject to use in future learning.

We look forward to seeing you at the Parent Contact over the next fortnight.

Kind regards,
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin