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Dear parents and carers,
In our Daily Write, we are concentrating on using punctuation accurately. Our learning on proof reading and editing is helping us to do this.
In maths, we are classifying angles by deciding whether they are smaller than, equal to or larger than a 90-degree angle. We took our maths outdoors to measure the girth of trees, and use this information to calculate the age of the trees.  
In HWB, we have been learning about consent in our classroom lessons and learning how to express ourselves using our body in P.E. We are creating a short dance routine as a class to the song ‘This is Me’. We studied the song lyrics in literacy, to help understand the song’s theme of discrimination.
We did our final lesson on the respiratory system  
Well done to our Primary 6 hockey players who did a wonderful job of representing the school at the Hockey Festival this week.

Many thanks,
Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin