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Welcome to the P67 Weekly Update here you will find a summarised round-up of the past week and any relevant info for the week ahead.

Please check our class SEESAW page with photos and videos of your own child's learning journey.  SEESAW will also be where pupil homework is issued so please ensure you have access to the software and contact the school office if you need any help.
Homework will be issued on Tuesdays to be returned by the following Monday.

There were lots of happy faces in the classroom this week as friends were reunited following the summer holidays.  We have begun our Social Studies topic 'Japan' and will complete a comparison study with Scotland this term. Pupils brainstormed what they already know, what they want to learn and have already begun research and produced some beautiful 'Koi' artwork.

Gym days for your diaries are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - please ensure your child has an indoor bag for gym with indoor shoes and kit for their peg by this Tuesday. I am happy for this to stay in school all term.

School Reconnectors are held on Mondays and Fridays - these are school uniform days. 

On Fridays pupils will receive a 50 minute Health & Wellbeing session from Mrs Elvin (this is the same as last year) and a session in ICT from Mrs McIntosh.

Next week our class will begin the first block of maths and we will be focusing on place value and times tables. Pupils will refresh their understanding of adding, subtraction, division and multiplication this term.

We have already begun reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and chapter 1 is up on SEESAW shoulld you wish to read along with the class. We will begin reading comprehension materials linked to the novel next week.

Our writing focus is on imaginative and creative texts so look out for our stories and poetry. Spelling will be taught throughout the week, alongside handwriting, grammar and dictionary skills.

We hope to offer carpet bowls for indoor gym and play stamina building games and for outdoor gym the focus is on co-ordination and team work.

In STEM we will be focusing on a series of lessons to develop pupil understanding on volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunami over the course of the term.

Our health focus is on diet and lifestyle choices and next week we will be exploring what is in our snacks. 

In our modern languages studies we will rotate each term between french and spanish - this term we will also be learning a little Japanese!

We look forward to supporting the School MacMillan Coffee Morning being organised by the P6s this term and also seeing as many of you that can make it to the Meet the Teacher session and our PTA Community Fayre on Friday 1st September.
Mrs Howie has issued a list of upcoming school events - these are also shared on the class SEESAW page.

Our P7 Pupils have the opportunity to apply for Junior Leadership Team positions. These applications will open on Tuesday as part of homework. Please support your child in the process. Many P7s are already buddies to P1 and have shown their increasingly responsibility through these extremely rewarding roles. All pupils have the opportunity to apply for school committee roles so please look out for these too.

I am looking forward to working with the P67 pupils and helping them achieve their very best.

Wish you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Watt & P67