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P6/7 Oh how the week has flown by! Keeping the energy and excitement of Term 4 going we have focused on our learning with impressive commitment.

In our Maths, we looked at transferring our skills with fractions, decimals and percentages into work with money, and for some extended into foreign currency calculations.

In our Writing, we have explored our future careers and dreams which have been recorded to share in the Leavers Assembly. P6 wrote letters to their future buddies and I am certain the new P1s will be delighted to have such responsible, resilient and respectful P7s supporting them.

Our Joseph rehearsals are in full swing and we hope to record and share this with you in the last week of term.  We still require costumes so please check your child has something black to wear for filming. (black tshirt/leggings etc)

Our living and growing questions have explored relationships and how babies are made. Many of the class shared their experiences of new babies in their families. Next week the P7s and P6s will receive separate inputs.
This week we had a visit from Tempest Photography and had the opportunity to have our class photograph taken.  We are sure this photograph will always be a wonderful momento of a very special year.. Everyone looked super smart in their school uniforms so please go online to view and order your copy!

Our school PTA fundraiser also requires your support! Please help seek out the missing house points! All details are in the app - £5 in an envelope to support school funds to receive an entry sheet ! good luck!

Congratulations to our social target winner this week, Delia Cornwill.

A very special visitor on Tuesday (P7) and Wednesday (P6/7) next week when the school welcomes Homefront Histories - A gazebo will be set up in the car park and pupils will get to view and handle some incredible pieces of war memorabilia - keep an eye on SEESAW for photos of the day.

We ended the week with P7s attending an MSTeams meet with DHS staff - not long now unti they are the new S1 cohort - you will be missed!

Our Rights Respecting School Representative Gregor Fraser led the class in a pupil voice session where he gathered pupils thoughts and views on the past year.  Lots of ideas shared! Well done Gregor! 

Enjoy the long weekend
Mrs Watt & P67