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Our class have been settling into school routines this week and have been demonstrating our school values; respect, responsibility and resilience.

In our number work we have revised place value, reading, writing and ordering whole number and begun to look at partitioning numbers and rounding which will continue next week.  We have focused on the 5x table, and intend on doing a table each week up to the October break. Next week's focus is the 6x table.

Pupils wrote independently using the stimulus of a Mysterious Door. We will examine and improve our writing next week to include adjectives, descriptive phrases and adverb openers. Look out for your childs work on SEESAW.

Pupils have all received and checked their SEESAW and SUMDOG logins - please let me know if you need anything reset.

P7 pupils are invited to interview on Monday & Tuesday for Junior Leadership positions e.g Head Boy/ Girl , House Captains/Vice and Ambassadors.  Please support your child this weekend to help them prepare.

In our topic we have compared Scotlands major cities with Japan.  Our next step is to explore Tokyo on the main island Honshu.  Please look out for your child's work on SEESAW.
In science over this term we require empty, clean glass jars and small boxes or box lids. Please bring these in to allow for quaranting before use.

Homework: Pupils are encouraged to complete 3 pieces of homework each week. Spelling and maths through sumdog and topic research. I appreciate that everyone's home situation is different so homework is available as an option not obligation this term.

Our P7 Pupils received an input on Substances from the Charity Barnardos via MS Teams and our whole cohort enjoyed an input on Online safety with a visit from PC McArthur from Fife constabulary.

The weather has been kind - enjoy the weekend and hopefully some of the summer sun.
Mrs Watt & P67.